- How do I make an appointment to get a tattoo?

There are several options available to you for making an appointment.

You can select the type of session you want as well as the day of your choice on the dedicated page of our website via the online appointment form.

You can also contact us on our contact page or more traditionally go directly to the shop.

- Est-ce que vous tatouez uniquement des flashs ou je peux venir avec mon idée ?

Nous acceptons évidemment les projets personnels.
Pour cela vous devez bien réfléchir aux détails de votre projet de façon à ce que tout soit clair.

Vous pouvez, pour cela utiliser le formulaire deprise de rdv.

- How much deposit do I have to pay?

The amount depends on your desired project.

For a flash tattoo the amount is directly provided when purchasing online.

For all other projects you should expect to pay between €50 and €100.

This will be defined with your tattoo artist.

- Ok. I have my appointment, my project is defined, I am ready to get tattooed. How do I prepare for it?

To ensure your session goes as well as possible, we recommend:

- To sleep well the night before,

- Avoid consuming alcohol or medication that thins the blood, this could make you bleed,

- Eat well before your session,

- Bring water and a sweet snack or fruit.

- Can I be accompanied during my tattoo session?

The answer will be as simple as it is reasonable: NO, you will not be able to be accompanied during your tattoo session for reasons of hygiene and concentration.

So those around you will have to be patient before discovering the work that will adorn your skin.

- Can I see my design before getting tattooed?

Please note that the designs will be prepared 24 to 48 hours before your appointment, in particular for chronological reasons of the tattoo artist's schedule.

The design will be visible the same day of the tattoo.

Small modifications may be made before the session.

However, in certain cases, a short meeting the day before can be arranged to finalize the project.

Getting a tattoo is a process and a decision that is entirely up to you.

- How should I care for my new tattoo?

Once you get a tattoo, you will need to moisturize your skin.

So remember to drink water (preferably) regularly and feed
your skin with a cream, to prevent it from
dries up.
There are several creams available on the market or in pharmacies that will allow you to maintain your fresh tattoo.

- And what happens if I have to change or cancel my appointment?

As stipulated on the appointment card, it is possible to postpone or
to cancel your appointment on condition that you do so within a certain time limit
48 hours maximum (two working days) before the appointment.

If the appointment is cancelled less than 48 hours before the appointment, you
lose the amount of the deposit made.

Whatever it is
the reason(s) given.

A cancelled appointment not only penalises the tattoo artist but also
another person who could have gotten a tattoo on the session