Mode d’emploi pour réserver un tattoo flash

1. « Réserver ce flash » et choisir son créneau sur l’agenda.
2. « Ajouter au panier ».
3. Dans le panier, entrer le code DEPOSIT pour régler les arrhes. Le RDV est confirmé.
4. Payer le reste à la fin de la session tattoo.

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Dala Horse

Dala Horse

Regular price €200,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €200,00 EUR
Sale Sold out
Taxes included.
Filling choice

The Dala Horse is a hand-painted wooden statuette used as a children's toy and which has become a symbol of Sweden.

This flash is limited edition and can only be tattooed once per color choice.

This flash is limited edition and can only be tattooed twice.

Its size is about 12 x 12 cm.

The price corresponds to one arm, thigh or leg slot.

For any other location, an increase may be applied.

Your tattoo artist for designing this tattoo will be Peggy Sue.

When paying, use the code “ DEPOSIT ” to pay the 20% deposit.

The remainder of the amount must be paid on the day of your appointment.

© 2025 La Frida Loca. All rights reserved.
Any use or reproduction, in whole or in part, made without the consent of the author is prohibited.

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